The Carracci frescoes
Palazzo Fava
Via Manzoni 2, Bologna
From 02/08/2024 to 25/08/2024
The frescoes of the Carracci will be accessible to the public from August 2nd until September 20th, 2024, at Palazzo Fava.
The most notable feature of the piano nobile is the series of frescoes created by the younger members of the Carracci family, namely Ludovico, Annibale, and Agostino, in collaboration with some of their pupils, including Francesco Albani, and Bartolomeo Cesi. The artists were active for approximately fifteen years between 1584 and 1598, during which time they revitalised the waning tradition of late Mannerism, thereby paving the way for the grand painting of the new century.
The stories of Jason and Medea
In the Great Hall, visitors can admire eighteen scenes painted in 1584 by Ludovico, Annibale, and Agostino Carracci. This masterpiece marked an artistic revolution, moving away from mannerism and embracing classic and naturalistic tastes.
Notably, among the painted scenes, there’s the episode of Medea’s Nocturnal Incantations, portraying the sorceress purifying herself at a stream under the moon’s rays – a defining moment in the history of art as the first modern nude.
The stories of Aeneas
Other four rooms are dedicated to the story of the Virgilian hero who founded Rome. Artists like Ludovico Carracci, Francesco Albani, and Bartolomeo Cesi present Aeneas’ journey with great finesse.
Via Manzoni 2, Bologna

From Tuesday to Sunday
10:00 am - 7:00 pm (last entry one hour before)
Closed from August 26th, 2024.
Full price: € 5
Reduced price: € 3
- 75 years and older (with ID);
- Journalists with ID;
- Groups - mandatory reservation min 10 max 25 pax
- Members of law enforcement;
- Career of a visitor with disabilities;
- Ticket of another Genus Bononiae museum;
- University students up to 26 years old with student badge;
- Youth aged 12 to 18.
Free Admission:
- Children 0-11 years old;
- Visitors with disabilities;
- Genus Bononiae Membership Card holders;
- Card Cultura;
- Bologna Welcome Card;
- Tourist guides with badge;
- Journalists with a valid badge, pre-registered at didattica@genusbononiae.it
- ICOM members.
Along with the admission ticket, you will receive a card that allows you to download an audio guide of Palazzo Fava on your smartphone in four languages (Italian, English, Spanish, and French). It is recommended to bring your own earphones.
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